We don’t like to toot our own horn, blow our own trumpet, play our own brass instrument (you get it), but we’re pretty good at SEO. We offer everything from basic tweaks and optimisations, getting those page titles and meta descriptions right, all the way up to large scale content optimisation, EEAT projects and information architecture.
Whether you're looking at migrating your site, boosting your revenue, improving customer retention, or making pretty much any other decision in online commerce - you need an SEO in the room.
SEO is much more than picking your target keywords, it's about building trust in your brand, authority for your team, relationships with your customers, and making sure they can find you (whether or not they know they're looking for you).
There's an old saying in the SEO community that the best place to hide a body is on page three of Google. Don't let bad SEO bury your brand!
Our recent results include: