The BIG Bumper Book
of Commerce site migration

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While it often comes with a revamp or redesign, not every migration is about a new site - and there are as many different types of migration as there are migrations (which makes them an ever interesting way to make a living). What we’re hoping to achieve here is a genuinely useful guide to the process and the platforms (it’s the least we could do, we did ask for your email address).

We’ve split it into two sections - one to help you decide if migration is the right move for you (we’d say no pun intended, but we’re not sure that’s even a pun), and the second to help those of you for whom migration
is right decide where to go.

Even though we're a dedicated Shopify agency, we have tried to be as platform agnostic as we can be - and have detailed as many pros and cons for each platform as we can.

So, with all this in mind, there’s little more for the introduction to do than to say - hey, thanks for the contact details, we’ll probably speak to you soon unless you gave us fake details, in which case *Jurassic Park “clever girl” gif* we still hope it helps you make the right choice, and wish you every success.

some of our clients